Search for a Slice #9

Beautiful blue skies with puffy white clouds, slight breeze, sun shining bright were all factors that led me to take a walk (plus I was on the hunt for a slice of life). I haven’t been hitting the pavement in the last several month due to inclement weather or working. Energetically I set out to see what has changed along my walking route while I was away from the road.

I am scanning the fields and sky, hoping to spot a hawk or two perched in the tiptop of the trees. No hawks. Just boring khaki colored fields.  Next I cast my gaze down to the ground. There are remnants of the last snow laying in the ditches. They look like chunks of dirty, but sparkly styrofoam. Do I see figures in them? Could there be a series of photos of icy snow that has taken on the shape of a recognizable object? No, I see  nothing  in this snow.

I have reached my half-way point and heading back toward home. Every step filled with disappointment in nature. You have let me down. I did not find my slice on this walk.

As I am about to turn into the subdivision a horn begins blaring behind me. BEEP, BEEP, TOOT! I know it is Juanita, my neighbor. She comes zooming up in her convertible Audi A4 with the top down, sporting an Indiana Jones hat.

“Beautiful day!” she beamed.

I laughed, “Have you been golfing?”

With her husky voice, she replies, “You betcha, baby, and I’ve got tee times set up for the next two days. The weather’s supposed to be beautiful. I’m tired of sitting on my a** in that house. Catch you later, baby!” Then she’s gone.

Juanita is in the fall of her sixties, but she has a zest for life. She is hitting the links every day possible. Several years ago she traveled with us as we did the river cruise down the Danube. All I can say is Juanita is a hoot to have for a neighbor. I hope I have her energy when I get to her age. Thanks Juanita, you saved my search for a slice on my walk.

24 thoughts on “Search for a Slice #9

  1. We had a gorgeous day here too, and we’re supposed to have another one tomorrow! Juanita sounds like a delight! She reminds me of some of the spunky old people we’ve met through the Alumni Band. They are so inspiring!

  2. Juanita…just the name sounds sunny, and peppy and full of great attitude…and jaunty….how marvelous to run into a person like that on a beautiful day. It all fits together!

  3. I have a Juanita in my life, only her name is Nancy. Sometimes she refers to herself as Crazy Nancy, but she brings zest whenever she walks into a room.

  4. Oh how nice that Juanita stopped to chat. She sounds like she is living each day to the fullest…and she gave you material for the perfect post on a Saturday morning in March.

  5. Jaana says:

    I love fun neighbors! First of all, they provide you with endless sources for writing. Secondly, or maybe this should have been the first one, they are there when you need something: sugar, eggs, key, listening ear etc.

  6. As always, your writing draws me in and most often brings a smile to my face. I was right with you in this time of year that is so often “blah” in nature, and I felt my spirit lift as you introduced me to Juanita. Thanks for this little slice of your day.

  7. I remember a Sesame Street song from long ago that spoke about how much we can miss when we look down while walking. One character-Big Bird? Bert?- always looks up to see the leaves, the rainbow, the sun….. while the other – Oscar? Ernie?- looks down to see the dime or the pothole to avoid. If I think about this, I’m more apt to focus on up AND down while I walk! Hate to miss anything! And sometimes the fun just rolls up beside us……

  8. Tam says:

    Ah, the Juanitas of life–love em. That’s why like to be around young people, in addition to ones my age. Sometimes I want to slow it down and other times, I want to shout out. You never know what a nature walk might bring and then there’s a Juanita!

  9. Judy C. says:

    Some days (and walks) are like that. I could visualize your “dirty chunks of snow, but sparkly styrofoam”. Sounds like you have a great neighbor, fun-loving and free spirited. Glad you could get out and enjoy this beautiful weather – today is suppose to be even better than yesterday. Do I sense a taste of spring?

  10. Interesting–the contrast of your disappointment with the day’s drabness with Juanita’s appreciation of the day’s beauty. It’s all about perspective–perhaps you should ask her to let you take a ride in that convertible of hers.

  11. Ahh…the writer’s life…sometimes getting just the inspiration just when you need it. Most of the time these ideas don’t announce themselves BEEP, BEEP, TOOT! Bless Juanita.

  12. Words and ideas I really enjoy how you share your thinking. How you compose your writing during the walk. Examining things, making observations, deciding if that thought is a keeper or one you will let go.

    • Juanita sounds delightful. The quiet emptiness of your walk sounds delightful too. I bet you could find a slice in the khaki of the hills and the empty styrofoam chunks of ice and snow that you observed. I love the stillness of that walk juxtaposed with lively Jaunita. Thanks for that lovely image.

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