Questioning Myself

At the end of yesterday, I wondered, Am I getting too old for this job?


  • I was beat, my energy level was flatter than a pancake rolled over by a steam roller.
  • My feet informed me that the shoes that were comfy and fit in the morning, were pinching and squishing every square inch of my feet.
  • My back said, “Don’t you dare drop anything, because I will not willing go down to pick it up.”
  • My knees are wondering why I’m punishing them.

My spirit, from deep down in my heart told me not to listen to the complainers. They will get over it. Just keep on, you love what you do (most of the time).

I’m going to have to assess what I do and how I do it. Normally, I work with teachers, providing PD during their day. Usually I model a writing lesson or reading lesson with their class, but the bulk of my time is spent with the teachers. This is tiring, but it isn’t physically draining.

This week I am spending four days modeling writing lessons in classrooms and on the fifth day I will be meeting with teachers during their grade level meetings. I have an hour in six classes each day. The classrooms are on the first floor and the third floor. I go to first floor, then third floor, then back to first (you get the picture?) all day long. Now you know why my body parts are complaining.

So I am back to the question, Am I getting too old for this job? My spirit is stronger than all the rest of the complaining parts. She tells the others to just get over it, everything will feel better in the morning. And she’s right, after a night’s sleep, all parts are raring to go and face the world. I’m not too old! (yet 🙂 )

24 thoughts on “Questioning Myself

  1. I love how you wrote that your spirit is stronger than all the rest of your complaining parts… I hope that you are able to find a good balance in keeping both your spirit and body happy and healthy. Being an educator and working in classrooms with teachers and students can be incredibly demanding in so many ways. It sounds like you are really making an impact in the lives of the teachers and students with the time you get to spend in their classrooms and the best practices that you are showing!

  2. There are multiple opinions: heart, mind, and body. Make decisions when all are rested and make up your own rules. As long as you love what you are doing, consider if there are ways to balance out those different opinions!

    Good luck!

  3. mrssurridge says:

    I have heard that question come out of my mouth more the last couple years. I can’t picture myself NOT doing what I’m doing, but I do begin planning a nap for later around 2:00 each afternoon. I value my rest more and more.

    A wish list idea for your administration: an elevator. 🙂

  4. I’m not sure which part of your body to offer sympathy to first! I think your feet, because I am SO ready for flip-flops that don’t squeeze any part of my feet at any time of the day! I am sure that you are not too old for the job yet, because your happiness to be doing the work oozes out of your writing. Get some rest, take a motrin, schedule your classes on the same floors, and stay the course! You have some lucky colleagues!

  5. There’s nothing a little sleep and a good cup of coffee can’t help. It’s much easier to keep ourselves going when we love what we do.

  6. Judy C. says:

    Some days seem to be harder than others. So glad that you are doing better today. Spring, warmer weather and time on the bike will do wonders. Retirement is great, but it always makes life interesting to keep active at something you love.

  7. The first symptom you mentioned was the one that got to me. It was the main reason I retired even though I really enjoyed the job. I didn’t even have steps to worry about since I was on the first floor.

  8. At first I thought you were talking about my body parts! They would be saying the same thing! I so wish you were dong a PD with my school. I think we could learn so much from you. Hope you continue to rejuvenate and keep going!

  9. Sometimes our bodies become weary, but if our spirits are strong, we can keep going, long after when we thought to give up. You can do it! You are making a difference. Just remember that. 🙂

  10. alwriting says:

    Refreshed, reloaded and ready to go! Each day we climb that mountain with renewed vigour and enthusiasm. The physical demands when we are undertaking so many demonstrations and debriefing sessions is something that takes it toll. At the end of those days, one feels totally spent. However, upon entering the classrooms the following morning, a buzz develops and the energy of the ‘performance’ returns.

  11. This year I have noticed I tire easier than in the past but…not ready to pack it in just yet…and it does not sound like you are either. Maybe one less day per week? I have often thought having Wednesdays off would be wonderful. Teach Monday-Tuesday and then recharge. Teach Thursday-Friday and then recharge.

  12. This is how I feel, too,:
    My spirit is stronger than all the rest of the complaining parts. She tells the others to just get over it, everything will feel better in the morning. And she’s right,
    There is always the evening for resting, but the day is doing what we love, right?!

  13. Leigh Ann, you and I do similar work and we are on a similar path in deciding next steps. For now, I love the work I do and my body participates–especially when I give it good nourishment and exercise–which I don’t always do because of the work. For me it is about balance. And, in the next year, as opportunities present themselves, I firmly believe my life will shape itself on that part of my path toward fulfillment. Glad we are on this journey together!

  14. Jaana says:

    As I read your post my thoughts followed Linda’s path: it has been too cold to bike this winter! Biking makes everything work better–even knees!

  15. I think listening to your body is a good thing. That way you can come to some sort of an agreement that your body and spirit can live with! For now, your strong spirit gave the body a little break — and the body came back. Yeah team!

  16. lromainebrown says:

    First, thank you for all you do with those teachers on all the flights of stairs.
    I am remembering a sparkly-eyed ninety-something year-old man who said he wasn’t old for a minute until they made him retire from the coal mines.

    I am creating a habit of taking a break from bodily symptoms first thing in the morning, and when I get home from work. I try not to make any decisions or attitude sets in the morning until after my bath and hot tea.

    When I question the wisdom of working at a high pitch at my age, I look to my colleagues, many of whom are decades younger and I see them tired, beat, close to exhaustion. So, maybe it isn’t all about “too old” or not.

    Up and at ’em people in our generative years!

  17. Ramona says:

    So glad that you’re raring to go this morning! That sounds like a phrase my dad would have used. I wish I could drop in for some lessons and PD with you this week.

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