Christmas in March

My desk orientation in my office allows me to have a window on the world of our street. Truly, I am no Mrs. Kravitz. [Side note for you young writers who are scratching your head and muttering “Who’s Mrs. Kravitz?” She was a nosy neighbor character on the TV show Bewitched (show was on 1964-1972). Here is the Wikipedia link to read all about her. Now let me get back to my story.] Since we are on a cul-de-sac, there is not a lot of traffic, so movement on the street usually catches my eye, but not on this day.

I heard the truck stop. I looked up from my desk when I heard the truck stop. I looked up from my desk when I heard the truck stop in front of my house. The UPS man stepped out of his truck with a box. My heart raced a little faster as I hurried to the door to greet the bearer of the box.

A quick glance at the return address confirmed my suspicions. Eagerly I reached out to relieve him of my prize. I uttered a most heartfelt “Thank you!” He had no idea of joy he’d just delivered. Nestled in the box among filler paper were my eleven titles from Peachtree Publishers that I’d won. A treasure for sure!

Immediately, I began pulling them out, one at a time. Once they were all stacked on the counter, I wanted to sit down and savor the text of each, but I needed to begin my spaghetti sauce. Books were set aside, as my hands chopped onion and garlic, but my mind lingered on the covers I’d just unearthed. Quickly the chopped ingredients were dropped into the skillet of Italian sausage.

As the sausage browned, I read several books. The first book I picked up might not have been the best choice, Random Body Parts, Gross Anatomy Riddles in Verse by Leslie Bulion. Let me give you a little flavor of the poem “Lunchtime”

Flesh of fowl ground into hash,
Blood of berries bled from mash,
Wheat paste wet with human spit,
Plant parts mangled bit by bit.

See what I mean? (This poem is describing the stomach.) However, kids will LOVE these poems. Talk about a great opportunity for close reading!

I loved If You See a Kitten by John Butler.

If you see a cuddly kitten . . . say, “Ahhh!” If you see a pudgy pig . . . say, “Peee-ew!”

Love the alliteration! I can hear the kids guessing what word you should say. The details in the illustrations are fantastic.

Each book has such potential for reading and writing workshop. Thank you Peachtree Publishers for donating such an incredible prize! It was Christmas in March.




29 thoughts on “Christmas in March

  1. Terje says:

    Had I been around your house at the book arrival time I would have jumped up and down clapping my hands with joy. I am so happy for you.

  2. Ohhhhh! I know that feeling….. and that smell of new books…. and spreading them out on the table. LOVED your description. I’ll bet you can’t wait to share them with your students.

  3. Leigh Anne says:

    Random Body Parts was a book I won in the middle grade author’s giveaway. Isn’t it a great book! Enjoy reading your “Chritsmas” gifts.

  4. Knowing you, those books are already devoured and you have figured out numerous ways to use them as mentor texts. Those books are lucky to be in such good hands!

  5. Jaana says:

    I love the contradiction of cooking for the stomach and reading the poem describing a stomach! What a fun day you must have had!

  6. What an exciting box, no wonder you called it Christmas in March! Stanley and Toad Weather caught my eye. I love those boots on the cover. Happy reading!

  7. One of your writing gifts is how you blend the mundane with eternal truths. And isn’t that how life really works? You are truly the modern woman, cooking your sausage dish while contemplating the joy of opening those books and relishing each line in them. Truly Christmas in March! For me, today, Christmas in March was waking up to a gorgeous dusting of snow. The world looked like the cover of Christmas cards we send. Even now there’s a fine mist of snow falling almost like Winter saying goodbye! Enjoy those well-earned books. I’ve loved getting your responses this month!

    Thoughts on Reading Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past

  8. mrssurridge says:

    You crafted this piece beautifully. I had to go back and read it again because each word was placed in exactly the right place. AND it had a wonderful ending. One of my favorite slices of the month. Enjoy closely reading those books.

  9. It just doesn’t get any better than winning a whole box of books, Elsie. They all look divine. I loved that you heard the truck, looked out the window, & there was that UPS man! Hurrah!

  10. Getting a package is exciting. Getting a package of books is euphoric! Enjoy your treasures.I would also suggest dinners out until you finish those wonderful books.

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