A Hawk Among Us

Wings spread wide, floating on air currents high above our roof, the hawk surveys the land below looking for dinner. Tired of scanning from the sky, it settles in the maple tree. Head slowly turning left, then right. It rests on this perch for some time. Eventually soaring off to better hunting grounds.

Waiting and watching

Waiting and watching

The hawk continues to reappear over the course of several weeks. I only see it from a distance, always in a tree or circling the sky, until Wednesday.

My husband and I were backing out of the garage, on our way for a dinner out when I noticed movement at the neighbor’s walk. The hawk was standing on the sidewalk pecking and pulling, dinner was served. Bits of something were flying in the air, I didn’t know if it was fur or feathers.

I wanted to jump out of the car, run into the house to fetch my camera. But alas, I did not. It was dusk and I was afraid the light would prevent a good picture. However, when I got home, I wandered over to see what was left. Feathers were scattered all through the flower bed and into the grass. I think there was also some internal organ left behind. (If I had to guess, I would say it was the intestine. It resembled a long pink worm.)


In the morning, I went back to snap a few photos of the scattered feathers. I skipped the organ (I know you are saying, “Thank goodness!). Our neighbor, Dan, has declared it must have been a dove because of the gray feathers mixed in with the white downy feathers.

We have a couple of small puppies in the neighborhood. I hope the owners keep a watchful eye on them.

24 thoughts on “A Hawk Among Us

  1. Yuck. I thought the same last lines the whole time… We have a hawk. I’ve never been the same since I saw it swoop and take a mouse from our breezeway a few years ago. My husband and kids were like, Yes! I almost died. They are majestic and beautiful but yuck. They freak me out.

    Great slice though and the photo is perfect!

  2. I know everything has to eat, but I feel sorry for hawk victims. We have several in our neighborhood too. We also have a couple of owls and I am still waiting to get a picture of those.

  3. Love the picture of the hawk majestically staring off into the distance, surveying the parameters for food. This is such an interesting outside perspective of the circle of life! 🙂

  4. Lovely pictures. Red tailed hawks are a favorite to watch. I keep an eye out along the farm roads. I love the book Arrowhawk by Lola Schafer. It is based on a hawk hit by an arrow in northern Indiana and it’s fight for survival with the arrow in him.

  5. I love watching hawks…in fact I saw one this morning swooping to the edge of the road for his unsuspecting meal. We had a hawk sitting in one of your trees last summer and I worried that it might be waiting for one of our wild critters that feel safe here. I went out to take pictures and actually got a few…but was happy to see the hawk fly to (as you said so well) better hunting grounds.

  6. Terje says:

    You see and catch so many moments of real life, nature, animals and birds. Cool that you managed to take a picture of the hawk.

  7. Hi Elsie, I hope it’s okay, maybe I should have asked first, but I linked your last post to mine. I was so thrilled that I figured out how to do it and then I realized perhaps I should have checked with you first. I’m new to blogging so I’m not really sure of protocol. I hope it’s okay!

    Actually, now I’m thinking there’s probably a better way to send you this message but…

  8. For me it’s always so exciting to see something as majestic as a hawk, an eagle or an osprey. But to have one in your own year or neighborhood is sheer bliss! Thanks for sharing your observations. Glad to hear that hawks are alive and well, but no so happy to here that doves may not be. We lost our pair of doves in our backyard when the feral cats arrived several years ago. It still makes me sad.
    Enter title here Permalink: https://barbarasut.wordpress.com/2015/03/12/my-love-hate-r…ith-feral-cats/ ‎

  9. Judy C. says:

    Love to watch the hawks (or buzzards) soaring, swooping, diving, searching for dinner. Don’t care to see the aftermath. They have such a delicate way of moving through the sky. Yes, I’m glad you didn’t share all of the aftermath with us.

  10. That’s a lot of feathers on the ground. I, too, hope those puppies are being kept where they’re supposed to be.

    Lovely photo of the hawk! I snapped a shot of one in my backyard once, but it didn’t come out nearly as well as yours.

  11. I love watching hawks. There’s such drama in nature and though I am always tempted to intercede I know it’s best not to. There’s a design to the food chain. I’m with you we have to watch out for are domesticated critters.

  12. You had me on the edge of my seat. There is drama in this slice! We have hawks in our area as well. We kept our kitten inside till he was good sized just because of them.

  13. At my other house I saw a hawk grab one of the smaller birds, right in my yard! I ran out to see if I could get him to drop it. No, he just took off, with the bird! You’re right, they have to eat too. Beautiful picture of the hawk, Elsie!

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