Unfortunate Word Choice

I got an offer in the mail today.

I should take advantage,

but I won’t.

One word raised my ire.

Eyes flashed,

Scowl formed,



I’ll let you figure out the irritating word.

34 thoughts on “Unfortunate Word Choice

  1. Janay says:

    NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I was asked the other day, at a restaurant, if I wanted the regular or senior citizen amount. Hmmmm………

  2. Hahahahaha! You said so much with just a few words, plus the unfortunate picture! I think my mom would feel the same as you at receiving that kind of mail! 🙂

  3. Terje says:

    Well, senior citizen may sound fancier than an old lady, but I understand your reaction. Maybe it makes you feel better to know that in dance sport 35 year olds are called seniors. Stretches the meaning, doesn’t it?

  4. Agreed. Unfortunate word choice.
    Plus side. I laughed out loud when I saw the picture. I’m sure my offer isn’t far behind.
    Thanks for the morning chuckle.

  5. Jackie Haworth Hoy says:

    That gets up my ire, too….but I have enjoyed some of the perks…especially the National Parks Pass.

    Not sure why, but my post is not getting on again…five tries…so looks like my blog won’t show to read and I will probably stop trying. This happened with the Tuesday challenge.

  6. I don’t blame you. Words can be limited creatures. It’s troublesome when we are defined by one by someone who claims to know us. Marketers –blah!

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