
Be sure to visit Two Writing Teachers for more slices of life.

Be sure to visit Two Writing Teachers for more slices of life.

One week ago, I attended a conference where I was able to attend a couple of sessions led by John Schumacher. I don’t remember how I stumbled on his blog, Watch, Connect. Read, but I am forever grateful that I did. If I want to know what’s happening in the world of books, I only need to check his blog or find his tweets (@MrSchuReads). He lives and breathes children’s books. That’s a great way to live!

One of his sessions was titled Best Websites for Teaching and Learning. I feel like I’m always behind when it comes to current websites for teaching. This session was just what I needed.

We began by playing a game on of matching one star reviews to book titles. I can see this site being a great way to review information in a fun way. One Star Reviews is a fun feature that Travis Jonkers puts on his blog 100 Scope Notes, but now it was turned into a game by using our devices. I logged in on my iPad. Erin, a friend and co-worker, would partner up with me.

After the first question we discovered that speed was a factor in scoring points. We were in a dismal eighth place after the first question. There were ten questions. Slowly we moved up the ranks. We were in third going into the final round. Our speed had greatly improved. Final question . . . were we quick enough to take over first place? No, but we moved into second place.

“If your name is on the screen, come and pick a book from the table,” announced Mr. GlowSchu. My name was on the screen, I picked a book, but I knew I wasn’t the only winner. Erin played a role in the winning, too. But how could I share this fabulous book I had selected?

A quick visit to Amazon solved that problem. So Erin, check your mailbox at the office. There is something waiting for you.

If you have not discovered Erin’s blog, Steps in the Literacy Journey, you, dear reader, should check that out.