Changes Abound

Mother Nature is constant and consistent. Spring always follows winter. Some years it is the shortest season, but it is filled with life and wonder. Here’s what I noticed:

Look at the top of this tree. Leaves appear from the top working its way down the limbs.

Only a few leaves on this tree, but look where they are!













Baby leaf buds on this burning bush.

A few weeks later, the buds are becoming leaves and tiny branches have sprouted.






This tree does not change much from season to season. It is always green, it just grows taller each year. But this year it has a secret.

This is the view one has when you leave my house. This slight gap became the entrance for someone who was house hunting.

A home was built and a family will soon occupy this space. I am not sure who has moved in. Do you know?

Could this be the new tenant?

Every day, I see a difference in the world that surrounds me as Mother Nature takes over. She has no time for the virus to disrupt her life. For now, I will be content to see what She has in store.

Join me as I share my story at:

20 thoughts on “Changes Abound

  1. Always the photog! You do know you’re a talented photographer, right? I always look at your pics and think what patience it has to take to capture them. They aren’t staged and many cannot be planned. You’re patient, and it shows. You get the shots to show or the write the words to tell. Regardless of your process, it’s a visual delight. My allergies decided that I am not an outside explorer anymore but your pics always make me feel better about that. 🙂 SPRING!!! We have no green at all this week. It’s gross out here. Cloudy. Muddy. Snow, ice, rain. 👎

    • Well thank you, but you give me far too much credit. Most pics are from my phone which needs to be updated. I do love catching nature on film.

  2. crushlevine says:

    A story in pictures! It felt like I was beside you on a walk while you pointed out nature’s treasures. I really enjoy seeing the world through elsie’s eyes!

  3. Hello! Nice to meet you through #sosmagic! I love your visual blog! So many things to notice and love. That speckled brown egg is an interloper–a cowbird. I look forward to your next post!

  4. mandyrobek says:

    Yeah, you are writing! Your photos are beautiful. You indeed have a puzzle in that bird nest…I wonder if it’s a tree swallow egg or a house sparrow. It would be interesting to notice which bird comes back to the nest and how many eggs hatch. So good to see you here.

  5. Brenna Michels says:

    Hi, Elsie! It is so good to see you and enjoy your writing again. You capture a topic so well. I tell my boys something similar each day – we have front row seats to the arrival of spring. We can notice all things big and small and celebrate them. The grass is so green. The budding trees are so beautiful. Little things. Big things. Little things are big celebrations.

    Hope you and yours are well. Take good care!

  6. ahhh so nice to be back with your photos and words, my friend… Spring… yes I remember spring… I’m missing more of it… but it’s good to see it here in pictures and words…
    Good to be back writing with you

  7. Leigh Anne Eck says:

    What a lovely surprise tenant. I hope you keep us updated. I can’t tell you how happy I am to see your blogging again!

  8. Your noticings make my life richer. The photos add so much. I love the end: the virus isn’t disrupting it’s transition. Like you, that mystery egg has me wondering. Great to hear your voice!

  9. Judy Curtiss says:

    Isn’t it wonderful that we live in the Ozarks and can enjoy these Spring happenings before our friends up North? Glad that we are sharing in the writing experience once again.

  10. So happy to see your photos and hear your happy voice. Love the things you noticed. Interesting that one of the eggs is different from the others. We’re waiting for a future update.

  11. Michelle @litlearningzone says:

    We can learn so much from small noticings … I know you will figure out who lives in that nest!

  12. lindabaie says:

    I’m still watching for those robins, Elsie, wondering where they are. Thanks for the assurance that they are still here!

  13. Terje says:

    I like how you made always in bold to show assurance that spring will follow winter. Yes, a bird. This is one thing of many that I have missed since you stopped blogging – the posts about birds.

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