A Winner!

All day (March 13), I waited and waited for a new book to arrive. It wasn’t just new to me, it was new to the world. I wrote about it on March 14.

I also got an email newsletter on March 13 from Colby Sharp announcing his book to the world. The subject line was – Holy Smokes! I have a book in the world. What an awesome feeling that must have been to be able to create that subject line. At the bottom of the newsletter there was an announcement:


I’m giving away a copy of The Creativity Project. Just reply to this email and tell me something about a teacher that had an impact on your life. I’ll draw one random winner, and ship them a brand spanking new copy of the book.

Even though I had a book coming, I replied to his email with the name of my French teacher from high school as a teacher who had an impact on my life. I sent the email because that’s what I do if someone offers a book. I had no expectations of winning.

On March 19, I saw another email with the same subject. That’s odd, I thought. I almost deleted it because I thought it was the original, but I didn’t delete it. I opened it and couldn’t believe my eyes when I read:

You won a copy of The Creativity Project. Just let me know where you’d like me to send it. 

Holy smokes, I won! Of course, I immediately sent him my address information. I’m so excited to have this book to gift to someone. Now I just have to decide who to give it too.


25 thoughts on “A Winner!

  1. I love that Colby’s book is out in the world for all of us now, but I’m delighted for your colleague that you won and will be sharing! How lovely.

  2. Wahoo! You lucky girl you! I know you will enjoy reading it. And you will gift it to someone deserving. Congratulations on your win! I can’t wait to hear what you think about the book. Maybe you can bring your copy to staff meeting so I can take a peek. 🙂

  3. That’s the best get! Seriously. Sounds like an interesting book. He’s so enthusiastic and passionate about teaching too. I can’t wait to read all about it from you!

  4. Terje says:

    Lucky winner. Winning is wonderful. Giving a book to someone as a gift even better. I look forward to reading about the book tomorrow.

  5. Congratulations on winning The Creativity Project. A colleague picked up the ARC at NCTE in St. Louis and loves it, so I ordered a copy and am reading it now. So far I really like it. Lots of great writing ideas.

    • There are lots of great writing ideas, but even more I think I like looking at the prompt and comparing it to what the writer did to make it their own.

  6. How fun, Elsie! I’ve entered and won a few contests like this. Sometimes the books are really good, like the YA I won on TWT about WWII. I’ve won other books elsewhere that are just sitting on my shelf…
    I also once entered a book contest, and won, in writing about my inspiring HS French teacher 🙂
    Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

    • All is great in my neck of the woods, I hope you are doing well also. I miss reading your words. Every now and then I get a glimpse when I check Twitter. My French teacher was very unusual, might I even add a bit flamboyant.

  7. Sounds like an interesting read. Let us know…. I have a mini collection of books about creativity that I began collecting about ten years ago after a series of workshops based on The Artist’s Way. Those workshops and books changed my life; then Two Writing Teachers came along and changed it even more.

  8. Leigh Anne Eck says:

    I was so excited for you when I saw your name in that email! My daughter was just writing about a lack of creativity in a standards-based classroom yesterday – we are working on a master’s class this week. It does seem as though creativity is taken away in place of “other important things.” 😦

  9. Good for you, Elsie! I would like to read what you wrote about your high school French teacher. Now, I am very curious! Also, I do not own this book. I will have to order it!

  10. carwilc says:

    Hurray! I enter at least one of these contests a week, and win about once every three years! And I am always absolutely thrilled!

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