Dinner Delight

As I walked into the room, first I noticed the Seymour Simon books stretching out on the table. Each cover so bright and enticing saying “Buy me!” Next I noticed my friends had selected a table for our dinner.

I left the books (only for a moment) to lay claim to a seat at the table with my friends. There were too many of us for one table so now we had two tables. I set my camera down and returned to browsing the books. Book selection completed, I returned to my table.

A lovely blonde woman was chatting with my table mates. She was a new face for me, but the others were deep into conversation. Must be someone from their school district I inferred. I looked over and mouthed to Deb, “Who is Mary Helen talking to?” Her response put a smile on my face and a light in my eye. I sat up a little straighter and paid more attention to the conversation. Truth be told, I was a bit star struck.

She discovered we all had blogs and wrote regularly. She said she had a blog, but didn’t really write on it, yet. She wasn’t quite sure what she’d do with it. She wanted all of our blog addresses. (Picture me going Oh my gosh!)

After the dinner and speaker, we were milling about. Our new friend exclaimed, “How lucky was I to get to sit at the best table in the room!” We were all thinking, how lucky were we that you chose to sit at our table!

I suppose you are wondering who this mystery woman was. The next day I attended several sessions she presented and had my picture taken with her.

Georgia Heard and me at the All-Write conference.

Georgia Heard and me at the All-Write conference.

18 thoughts on “Dinner Delight

  1. Jaana says:

    I was counting on reading something intriguing (or maybe funny) on your blog today. You did not disappoint! Wonderful photo of you two!

  2. I love the way you told this story of the guest who joined our table. And yes, I was starstruck too! Thanks for an unforgettable memory captured in your slice. Your writing rocks!

  3. How wonderful! Georgia is truly a delightful lady and I’m glad you got to meet her! I remember being at a conference some time ago and realizing that I was sitting next to Linda Hoyt! There is just something about those moments that is hard to put into words, but you just did!! Loved the way you kept us guessing.

  4. I loved that you had not one but TWO tables of friends to sit with and that you were so excited to make a new friend without even realising who it was at first. I am so happy you got to meet this lovely lady and have a wonderful time with your friends. I’m sure lots of people would think that about you too Elsie, I would love to sit at your table and learn from you. 🙂

  5. I know it’s an easy word, but really, that is so cool! The chance to “rub elbows” with someone so knowledgeable! I know this will be a moment you’ll remember for awhile!

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