Nature Walk

Minutes away from my home is a conservation center with several paths. Here is the chance to be up close and personal with nature. Since Kim (Learning Tour Writing Stop, see sidebar for link) was visiting, we decided to wander around in the woods (of course we stayed on the path). So enjoy the view from my camera of the bits of nature we encountered.

As we approached the water, my husband pointed to a shape in the distance. A Great Blue Heron stood stock still. I zoomed the lens to grab a shot. Before I could refocus, we watched as it scooped up a fish and swallowed. Darn, I missed that! However it stretched out its wings and I was able to get that shot (unfortunately I didn’t get the head). We walked on and found another Great Blue Heron, but this one was settled into its stance. Its head was tucked under and shoulders up.

Two different Great Blue Herons

Two different Great Blue Herons

Glinting iridescent blue flutterings winked at us as we continued. At first I thought it was a butterfly because of the way it held its wings. But then we saw the body resembled a dragonfly’s. Kim thought perhaps it was a damselfly. (Later we asked at the conservation center and the expert their confirmed her thought.) At one point Kim had one land on her sleeve and it accepted the free ride for a short time. Once again, I was not ready with the camera.

Winged jewels that followed us through their land.

Winged jewels that followed us through their land.

Throughout the entire walk there were vines everywhere. Most of them were of the woody variety (as opposed to the leafy variety). As I looked at the vines, I could imagine they were the origins of roller coasters. The conservation agent told me they were grape vines.

These pictures follow the vine as it disappears into the foliage of the tree.

These pictures follow the vine as it disappears into the foliage of the tree.

Unfortunately we did not see any deer, fortunately we did not see any snakes or bring any ticks home. Here are snippets of other sightings


Setting off into the unknown to discover reflections, a shy cardinal, interesting fungi, and a bee collecting his pollen for the day.

Nature never disappoints, there is always something there to marvel.