She’s Here!

Finally! Sweet baby Clara arrived January 3. January 4, we were in the car by 5 a.m., heading west to meet this precious bundle. Late in the afternoon of January 5, she was in my arms. Words cannot describe the joy my husband and I felt.

She was 7 pounds, 12 ounces and 20 inches long. Hair color is still questionable. There could be some blonde (from her mom), but there is a hint of red (from her grandfather). We will have to wait and see. She was simply perfect. Of course you can’t just take my word for it, her doctor confirmed it a few days later.

We were able to spend several days with the newest family member, lots of cuddling time. Why put this baby in a bassinet when there are arms ready, willing, and able to hold her.

It was tough to leave, but we had to return to our daily life and the new family needed time to create their new normal. I know she will be so different every time we return. I can’t wait to go back!

Isn't she the sweetest?

Isn’t she the sweetest?

28 thoughts on “She’s Here!

  1. My congratulations is late but still very heartfelt! She is absolutely beautiful and you are taking the role of the proud grandma perfectly! Love that picture of you two.

  2. Chiming in late, but I was awestruck and so excited for you when I glanced at your post in the middle of a busy day. Something tells me you’ll be taking more road trips. She’s gorgeous! How did you create that lovely collage of pictures?

  3. Jaana says:

    Congratulations! She has her story to tell! Can’t wait to hear more via her writer until her voice is ready to fly solo!

  4. Oh Elsie, she is so darling & I know you’ve expanded your heart for her! What wonderful pictures. My close colleague’s daughter’s name is Clara, a special name for this special baby. Congratulations!

  5. Judy C. says:

    Congratulations, Grandma! What an adorable little girl you have to snuggle with. I know exactly how difficult it was to leave. Here’s hoping there will be many more visits in the near future.

  6. Congrats! You look absolutely lovely holding Clara. Your words glowed with excitement and love. I am glad you have social media to see how your little one grows when you are not able to hold her close. I look forward to stories about Clara.

  7. Oh my! This wins my Favorite Slice Award today! Congratulations! She IS beautiful and precious and so perfectly perfect. How exciting! Love the pictures! đŸ™‚ Welcome, baby.

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