
I opened the paper to this headline:

I knew it was coming, but here it was in big bold letters staring at me. I know a sigh escaped. We were not going anywhere for a long period of time. 😦

This was supposed to be our road trip summer. East and northwest were the goals of this summer. New areas of our country and Canada to explore were just on the horizon of summer. Then the pandemic landed and we were grounded.

I decided to create my own journey of exploration. This was the land I explored.

As I wandered the perimeter, a bit of blue wedged between the border rocks caught my eye.

Where is the nest?

Was this blown from the nest after hatching or before hatching?

I continued my journey. I looked up to discover a single thread shimmering in the sunlight. Undulating with the breeze, a spider’s highway overhead.

Looking deep into the branches of the arborvitae I find a thicket of limbs no longer living. Has that happened because the sun can’t reach them?

Slowly, I continue to wander and wonder.

This viburnum bush has a branch that doesn’t match the rest of the branches. Why? I looks like someone has been nibbling on the branch.

The branch on the left is a close-up of the branch on the right.

Each pause on this journey has left me questioning. Questions continue. What bird has lost such a long feather? Was this lost when charging at the squirrel? Or did it simply fall out and float gently to land in my yard?

So much of our yard is now shade, these conditions are conducive to grow hostas. Something has been nibbling. An interesting bloom has sprouted. Check out the close-up of the bud. I love the diamond layers.

The journey is nearly completed. I look up. The canopy shields me from the sun, but I see the branches as spokes on a wheel creating connections for creatures I cannot see.

The next time I take this same journey, I know the sights will be different even though the terrain stays the same. No mask required for this trip. I believe I will be spending lots of time this summer here, but I will be dreaming of travels yet to come (someday).

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10 thoughts on “Sightseeing

  1. Terje says:

    With the faraway places off the list you are great at creating adventures close by. You are right that the places change with days. One of the benefits of the distance learning for me has been the opportunity for daily walks in the neighbourhood and seeing the subtle changes in nature when spring arrived and now when summer is approaching.

  2. You amaze me with the way you are able to look so deeply at your surroundings and notice the small things I fail to notice. Your writing helps me stop, slow down, focus, and breathe deeply.

  3. Julie says:

    I’m so with you–I miss travel so very much. But this was a beautiful piece, and your attention to detail was perfect.

    • I think slugs are the cause of the bites taken in the hostas. I see a lot of them on the sidewalk during my walks. They blend into the black landscape rocks. Never hear of black vine weevils.

  4. Leigh Anne Eck says:

    Such luscious green grass! What lovely noticings – a sider’s highway, creatures nibbling and connecting. What wonderful wandering and wondering…even if it isn’t where your journey was planned.

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