Hot Time

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The weather man warned excessive heat Saturday and this time the weather was accurate.

7:30 My husband and I left the house to man a 100 mile bike rest stop. We stopped for two large bags of ice to fill the water cooler. Fortunately, our location was a pavilion that had electricity. We brought a heavy duty fan just so we could keep some air circulating. The temperature was 82, but with humidity at 65%, it felt like 85. I know that doesn’t sound too hot, but it didn’t take much to break a sweat.

By the time they reached us, riders pedaled thirty-three miles. They would need some snacks. We had lots of options:

  • bananas
  • black grapes
  • cookies
  • cheese sticks
  • dates
  • pb & j crustables
  • watermelon cubes
  • sliced pickles

Our first rider rolled in about 9:00. At first it was a trickle of riders, but soon the dam burst and they swarmed the table of snacks. It was a challenge to keep the food stocked. Watermelon cups with a pickle chaser seemed to hit the spot. (Personally that sounds disgusting.)

It looks like I have a sunburn, but that is not the case. This is just redness from being hot.

By 10:00 the air is heating up, it feels like 90 degrees. At 12:30 it feels like 96 degrees.

Now, there are fewer riders, these riders won’t be completing the 89 or 100 route.

Water bottles are filled, but also dumped on top of their heads.

By 2:00 the last rider has passed through our rest stop. We pack up to return our leftover supplies.

It’s been an interesting day. Riders were not just from our state. There was a couple from Michigan on a tandem bike. It surprised me that there weren’t very many women riding. One of the riders was our dentist. He was surprised to see us. Another rider was a local meteorologist with a local TV station. He did not have good news for the future temperatures cooling off. However, it was amazing to see how many riders were over sixty-five! They are hard-core bikers who ride a lot. The heat didn’t seem to matter to them. Kudos to those who are so fit!

Even though it was a blistering hot day, it was a lot of fun.

14 thoughts on “Hot Time

  1. It’s hot for us in the NW today – upper 80s. You were super to man the stop for the cyclists. I’m game for the watermelon cups, but would pass on the pickles.

  2. Wow. Theya re devoted cyclists…and you are a devoted volunteer. Driving home, I saw a man jogging. It was 92º and I thought he was nuts, but he looked quite content.

  3. this really sounds like an interesting day of community service. I smiled as I read your description of the watermelon with pickle chaser because I know that after even a 25 mile bike ride I crave sugar and salt!!!

  4. Good for you for helping the bikers…..great work! It was a blistering hot weekend. We were in the Twin Cities area at a soccer tournament. Friday night was soooo hot, sweat was pouring off us on the side lines – I felt bad for the players who couldn’t get out of the heat! But, it didn’t really seem to bother them. Oh, to be young!

  5. Phillip says:

    Relieved to know you were not riding, but am sad to think you are enabling these old people. Wrinkled, leathery,overly tanned old people in tight cycling clothes is a NOT a thing you should be encouraging!

  6. carwilc says:

    Riding a bike that far when it’s that hot does not sound like a good time to me! Helping out at a bike race, maybe, but I would still prefer a little cooler. This week in Colorado it’s cool and rainy and I’m loving it!

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