Eighteen Months

Be sure to visit Two Writing Teachers for more slices of life.

Be sure to visit Two Writing Teachers for more slices of life.

Eighteen months, is that a short amount of time for you or an endless period of time? Eighteen months is a lifetime for one person who entered the world and my heart eighteen months ago.

Living 1,600 miles away from family does not allow for frequent visits. So when an opportunity to babysit this summer for an extended period of time presented itself, I jumped on it.

I’ve spent the last two weeks marveling the knowledge gained in only eighteen months.

She knows:

  • sparkly beads are essential
  • climbing is an adventure
  • arms will catch and hold you
  • laughter is contagious
  • naps revive
  • water is fun
  • food nourishes
  • conversations include hand gestures (even when no one understands your language)
  • songs are to be sung at the highest volume of your voice
  • no fear in trying new things
  • Grandpa and Grandma will cater to your every whim

I can’t wait to find out more about this little one in the years to come!



26 thoughts on “Eighteen Months

  1. What a precious little girl! At eighteen months, she already knows so many wonderful things! That last one about Grandma and Grandpa made me think about all of the times my grandparents catered to my every whim (maybe there’s a slice for me in that!).

  2. Your opening sentence nails it! Isn’t it amazing what a new little person can learn and do in just a year and a half? What a lucky little girl to have such an awesome Grandma!

  3. So much to see and do and learn when you are 18 months. (We have a great nephew who is 16 months old.) Every day brings abut a new adventure. Glad you are there to share some adventures with her. Enjoy.

  4. Judy C. says:

    I can feel the joy and pride you are experiencing. I knowl your pain in not being able to experience this gift every day, but you had two whole weeks! What a gift!. They grow so quickly. I love your list of all those positive things she has learned in 18 months (especially that G & G will give into her every whim!)

  5. I love that she knows NAPS REVIVE! I couldn’t convince my daughter of that when she was your granddaughter’s age. (Speaking of naps, I could use one right about now. Maybe a short one. After all, the kiddo is at camp and it’s summertime.)

  6. Oh, I need a love button here because I am wearing your shoes. My little grandson is only a month old and I can’t believe how much he’s grown in one month! I can not imagine your angst living so far away though as I am so grateful it is only a mile down the road to my little pumpkin’s crib.

    Pure bliss. 🙂 Love the grandma posts!

  7. LOVE!!!!
    I’m joining you my nieces dtr is coming to her grandparents this weekend
    I’m on babysitting duty with my camera too👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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