A Tasty Bite

Be sure to visit Two Writing Teachers for more slices of life.

Be sure to visit Two Writing Teachers for more slices of life.

Would you eat here?


If not, you would never know the one-of-a-kind experience you are missing. This Quonset hut restaurant has been in existence in Springfield since 1909. In 1909 it was housed in another location but it has been in a Quonset hut since 1949. In 1985, the restaurant moved to this location.

What’s so special about Casper’s you wonder? It is a no frills kind of diner and they are known for chili. Actually, the only thing I’ve ever eaten here is Frito Pie. A plate of Fritos as the base, covered in a unique chili, topped with cheddar cheese. When it is delivered to your table, you are warned the plate is hot. Brave souls can add raw onions on top of the cheese. The chili is creamy and like no other chili I’ve ever tasted. This treat must be savored because we only get it once a year.


While you are waiting for your order, you are entertained by all of the bric-a-brac that adorns the curved walls. It is like a 60’s explosion from Berkeley, CA and it all landed in this hut. This is a time warp of memorabilia.



Let me know if you are in my neighborhood, I will be more than happy to let you experience Casper’s.


Here’s Casper’s today. Looks pretty much the same as the photo at the top.


23 thoughts on “A Tasty Bite

  1. Joyce huff says:

    Was always a must visit in the winter time. The ham sandwich was also delish…..not your typical ham sandwich. I haven’t been in years. Wonder if I can entice my daughter?

  2. I love unique eateries! And Frito Chili Pie? I still have to get it at the Sonic when I’m in my home town hanging out with my high school friends – delivers me right back to those years.

  3. Lynn says:

    Frito pie Elsie! Until moving to New Mexico I had not heard of it! The old saying, “never judge a book by it’s cover” certainly seems to fit at Casper’s!

  4. LSquared says:

    Love the shot of the curved ceiling with posters — like it is quoting the Sistene ceiling. Now I have to make some chili!!

  5. Haha, I definitely would not have eaten there, from the look of the outside, but it looks like fun! Thanks for the peek inside this unique place, and the reminder not to judge books by their covers! 🙂

  6. I probably would not have gone in and I think I’m pretty adventurous about trying out odd places. But what a treasure I would have missed. That frito pie looks sooooooo delicious but might kill me! I would love to go there but not sure when that might happen. Thanks for the invite………!

  7. I love frito pie, Elsie & this looks amazing. And I love little places like this. There is a diner in Columbia we used to go to, such fun, & great food. Maybe someday you can take me to Casper’s?

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