Joyous Escape

This has been a winter like none in my recent memory. Every two weeks a new wave of that polar vortex seems to make an unwelcomed visit to where ever I happen to be. Snow day after snow day, frigid temperatures, ice, snow, slippery roads are the norm this year. It began in December and just kept on coming.

I finally reached a breaking point. I could not take one more snowflake or subzero degree. Fortunately I created an open block in my work schedule in February for a possible escape. The window of time was there, would we be able to crawl through that window and head to some place warm?

Here is the scene of my backyard on Monday.

Here is the scene of my backyard on Monday.

Roads were clear on Tuesday. We headed west. Oklahoma had frozen fog. Absolutely beautiful!

Roads were clear on Tuesday. We headed west. Oklahoma had frozen fog. Absolutely beautiful!

Phoenix was our first destination, but a quick detour to Oak Creek Canyon and Sedona gave us gorgeous scenery and warmer temperatures. We loved every moment of warmth.

Phoenix was our first destination, but a quick detour to Oak Creek Canyon and Sedona gave us gorgeous scenery and warmer temperatures. We loved every moment of warmth.

We spent several days in Phoenix (more info in future posts) then journeyed on to Orange County. That would be the Pacific Ocean caressing my feet.

We spent several days in Phoenix (more info in future posts) then journeyed on to Orange County. That would be the Pacific Ocean caressing my feet.

Now we must return to reality and cooler temperatures. I will revisit those warm rays of sunshine on cloudy, cold days in my future. Just tell me the snow will stay away.

22 thoughts on “Joyous Escape

  1. Jaana says:

    Bare feet?? Frozen fog?? If I can’t travel at this time, I get to live through your experiences! Thanks for letting us join you on your journey!

  2. Hey I just won a bet with Tuvia. For some reason he decided there would be no more SNOW and we was willing to put up or shut up. He bet me a great dinner out that there would be no more snow after Saturday, but right on schedule, we woke up to SNOW. I keep moving my PD starts from one day to the next and one week to the next….
    SO CRAZY!!!! Off to Cancun on March 9th. So glad you had a burst of warm sunshine but we are not finished with winter here.

  3. Ooooh… that blue sky and sunshine were sights for sore eyes… and then I almost couldn’t take it when I saw your bare feet in the water!!! SO JEALOUS, AAAH!!! 🙂

  4. I am so envious! Today we had a two hour delay because of slick roads and by the end of school it was over 50 degrees and I did bus duty without a coat on. Thursday we have severe thunderstorms predicted! I love your pictures and am so glad someone found some warmth and sunshine – definitely a joyous escape!

  5. Seriously, bare feet? Lucky you. I’ll soak my feet in a warm tub. But it seems that the winter stayed in the USA, we had a very short snow period. Now it’s mostly rain. Few more months until the water warms in the sea.

  6. Love all your pictures, but the last one if my favorite. Warmth and sunshine! Tim and I just finished shoveling in the sunshine. The temp is now 37 degrees after a horrible blowing, drifting snow last night. All the blinds are open and sunshine is streaming in. It warms my heart just like your post!

  7. Love that pic of your toes being caressed by the Pacific Ocean. This Oklahoma native wants to know where the photo of the frozen fog was taken. Soak up some sun for the rest of us. No more snow, but plenty of rain and cool temps for our mid-winter break. I knew I should have left town! I can’t wait for more pics.

  8. Here I sit, enjoying another snow day as I read about your sunshiny adventures. As much as I enjoy this day off of school (even though I will grumble about it in June as we make up days) I’m still a bit jealous that you have had your toes in the water and sunshine on your shoulders. 🙂 Where are you spring?

  9. Judy C. says:

    Elsie, so glad that you got some much needed warmth and freedom of the winter. I know how much our trip to FL helped us get through this difficult Ozark winter. Today the sun is shining and 60 degrees are predicted. I say, Bring it on! I’m ready for spring.

  10. Didn’t that sunshine feel great as it soaked into your bones? Beautiful pictures – I will live vicariously through them today as I deal with another round of snow, sleet and rain. YUK

  11. I’m so glad you got away. I was worried when I didn’t see a celebration post from you.

    Your view looks gorgeous. I’d love to go someplace warm right now. I know I’ve been enjoying the snow days, but I agree that the cold is getting old.

    Hope you feel rejuvinated,

  12. Good for you on being able to escape for a little while. I live in Eastern Oregon and we haven’t quite had it as bad, but it has been cold! I’m glad you were able to find a little relief from this brutal winter. Thanks for sharing.

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