Christmas Memories

A week ago, I was giddy with the anticipation of the arrival of family. One week later, I only have my memories of our time together.

Christmas Day brought gifts, food, and more family together. The house hummed with the chatter from the family members who live far and near.

From the cover of Southern Living, red velvet and cheesecake. I love a challenge!

From the cover of Southern Living, red velvet and cheesecake. I love a challenge!

We awoke to frozen fog the next morning. It was the closest thing to snow for our California girls. Then we were off to visit Silver Dollar City, an amusement park with five million lights. Temperatures were just right for roller coasters. Yes, even I went on several of them. I don’t enjoy being terrified as much as others in our party.

Fog froze on the bush.

Fog froze on the bush.

My gingerbread family

My gingerbread family

Just one of many trees that sparkled in the night.

Just one of many trees that sparkled in the night.


The rest of the days were filled with horseback riding, hanging out with cousins, playing cards, and football.

Our time was short, but we made the most of it. These memories are now preserved forever.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Happy New Year!

15 thoughts on “Christmas Memories

  1. Tara Smith says:

    I love that gingerbread photograph, Elsie – it captures the spirit of companionship and fun that must have been your Christmas week. Happy New Year!

  2. Sometimes the anticipation outshines the actual trip, or visit, or life. But not for you. This looks like a perfect Christmas! Your pictures show so many aspects of much love and laughter in your family. And I’d say you met and exceeded the challenge of a new recipe – what a gorgeous cake! Happy 2014!

  3. Amusement park as part of Christmas – such fun. It’s great that your Christmas was filled with many memorable things together with your family. And the cake… yum. Happy 2014!

  4. Elsie, that cake is gorgeous! I totally understand about being giddy with anticipation and then savoring the memories. Thanks for sharing your pics with us. Happy New Year, my friend!

  5. Christmas is so bright — filled with people, and things we don’t usually do. It goes by in a blink, but those memories stick. Thanks for sharing your family treasures. Happy New Year!

  6. I’ve been to Silver Dollar City more than once in the past, Elsie. What a grand place, and on Christmas with the lights, love it! I went on a light tour too-so magical to see. I’m happy you had such a wonderful visit with family. That red velvet cheesecake is a wonder! Happy, happy new year to you and your husband!

  7. Leigh Anne says:

    Wow! Christmas at an amusement park. My family would love that! We have one close but I think Halloween is the last time for it. And that cake sounds delicious. I never thought of pairing cheesecake with a regular cake! Thank you so much Elsie for welcoming me to this writing community. As I said on Linda’s blog, I could always count on finding a comment from both of you on every one of my posts. Because I now know how that feels, I try hard to comment on as many posts as I can. Have a wonderful New Year!

  8. lgrainger125 says:

    Living in the northeast, I’ve never considered an amusement park visit as part of Christmas! Sounds like a fun time! Happy new year!

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