The Road to Sedona

Ding! My cell phone indicates there is a text. My brother-in-law wants to know if we are stopping in Sedona before we arrive at his home in Phoenix. Hmmm, we muse. That could be interesting, we hadn’t considered that previously, but it is an option.

I reach to the back seat to pull out the map to see how we get to Sedona from our current location. We had just gone through Flagstaff and were barreling down the highway with Phoenix as our intended destination.

“Looks like there is a little road we can take off the highway to get there,” I tell my husband. He quickly pulls off to the side of the road (which happens to be the end of an on ramp) to peer at the map. He looks back to see what the exit number is and we discover we are five miles past the exit we need.

Since there are no other cars around, he backs up the on ramp and we head back towards Flagstaff. (After all, it’s only five miles.) As we approach the exit, I think it is very odd there are no signs saying Sedona this way.

We decide to stop for gas before searching for the road. Inside the convenience store I inquire, “If we go down this road, will we get to Sedona?” The girl working at the cash register looks startled at my question.

“Well, yes it does,” she begins, “but it’s a dirt road and it’s closed. You need a four wheel drive to go down it.” She looks out the window at our sedan and laughs. The moment I heard “dirt road” I knew we weren’t traveling that road.

She explained how we needed to go back to Flagstaff (15 miles) to get the road to take us through Oak Creek Canyon which leads into Sedona.

The slight detour was well worth our time. The photos don’t do it justice.

Sedona 1

Sedona 2Sedona 3As I gazed in awe at the rocks I wondered what the pioneers thought when they entered this land. I was thankful I had a paved road to travel. I can’t imagine being on horseback or in a covered wagon.

I know I will be returning to view these red rocks again.

21 thoughts on “The Road to Sedona

  1. I often wonder how the pioneers made it through places like that, Elsie. When I drive through the mountains, I think of them. What a beautiful place Sedona is. I can see why you’re happy that you backtracked a bit to see it.

  2. Judy C. says:

    Elsie, once again, your pictures are beautiful. So glad you took the detour and found this wonderful drive. It pays to ask for directions, you might still be there trying to find your way out.

  3. We visited Sedona several years ago. I was surprised how much cooler it was up there. We are going back to AZ in March & taking a day trip from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon! Hope we can find it without taking a dirt road!

  4. So glad you took that detour to Sedona! It is a beautiful place…and also where my husband proposed to me! So…you know, that has to be one of my favorite places. Your pictures brought back such great memories. I like the fact that you still use a map. We use GPS…but I always have a map with me as I think I get a better ‘feel’ of where I am and where I am going. Have a wonderful time in Arizona.

  5. Love your adventure spirit and like Ramona, I love that maps were a part of the journey. GPS is great but maps give me a greater since of security — I can touch it. Imagine what those pioneers felt!

  6. Beautiful pictures! Sometimes going a little out of the way, or adjusting plans at the last minute, is well worth it. There is beauty all around us. Too bad we don’t always take the time to see it and appreciate it. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Tam says:

    Wasn’t planning on reading blogs this morning, but I saw your opening lines. Okay, I had to see where Elsie was off to now! You are truly adventurers. Thank you for the photos. I felt the urge to go West!

  8. Ramona says:

    Elsie, my favorite line – “I reach to the back seat to pull out the map . . . ” There’s something about the touch of a map that I don’t get from google maps. I smiled at that image of you and hubby peering over the map.

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