Fun with Italian Parsley

Did you know that Italian flat-leaf parsley will survive a winter?  I happened to be in the backyard, when I noticed a lot of dark vibrant green leaves in my small herb/tomato garden. When I got closer, I discovered it was the parsley that I had planted last spring. I had no idea it would survive freezing temperatures. Now what will I do with all this parsley?

Sunset magazine had the solution for me. Parsley Ravioli! I read over the ingredients and the steps, seems doable and I definitely had the parsley. This will be an interesting project for dinner. I need one cup of finely chopped parsley and a half cup of parsley leaves. I head out to the garden to clip some parsley. I wonder how much to cut. I figure I’d better get quite a bit. There really aren’t so many leaves on a stem. So I clip some from this side. I clip some from that side. Maybe a little more. I bring it in to wash it off.

Washing the parsley

Do you think I have enough? Now it is all wet which makes it stick to everything. I pull leaves off and put them into the spinner to remove the water before I begin the chopping process.

Spinning the parsley

I grab the hand chopper hoping it will chop this herb finely and I won’t have to use a knife. I set the chopper over the small pile of dried leaves. Bang! Bang! Bang! I push on the top. I lift it off the leaves, not a one is chopped?! What’s that all about? Then I realize I forgot to remove the cap from the bottom. Whoops! Bang! Bang! Bang! Lift it again, much better! This process continues for quite a while until I have one cup of finely chopped parsley. I pull off a half cup of leaves too. I still have a sink full of parsley. Maybe I didn’t need to cut so much.

This tool does the trick, but you do have to take the cap off the bottom.

Parsley is combined with ricotta cheese, egg, and parmesan. Wonton wrappers are the “pasta” part of the ravioli. They are sealed with water, then I used a biscuit cutter to make them round.

A tablespoon is all you need for each.

This is more labor intensive than I thought as I work my way through the wrappers. Slowly all the filling disappears and there are no leftover wrappers.

Finally they are assembled.

The ravioli are ready for the boiling water. You can only cook 4-5 at a time. They are to cook in boiling water for 3 minutes. Once they are finished boiling, I am to put them on a greased cookie sheet covered with foil in a warm oven. This process takes forever! In-out of water, in-out of the oven. What have I started?

Cooking in boiling water, some broke open.

Once all the ravioli are cooked and staying warm, I need to make the butter sauce. Fortunately, I had prepared salads and bread before beginning the ravioli cooking. Once the sauce was completed, we were ready to eat. Finally!

They were good, but not to die for. I can’t see doing this again, so I will have to use my parsley in other ways.

Compare this to the magazine page

Whose idea was this anyway?

22 thoughts on “Fun with Italian Parsley

  1. Wow! Your ravioli looks delicious. Happy discovery that Italian parsley is perennial. I have a great recipe for a parsley, kale and chickpea salad that you’re reminding me of …

  2. I loved your honesty and your sense of humor…funny line… ‘lift it off the leaves, not a one is chopped?! What’s that all about? Then I realize I forgot to remove the cap from the bottom.’ Yep, I would do that too:) They looked yummy to me and I wanted to come over for dinner. xo nanc

  3. I am so impressed that you no only cooked this delicious-looking meal but also made pictures along the way! I loved your story. I have had similar experiences, but mine never turn out pretty – or edible. Good for you!!

  4. May I please eat one of the ravioli? They look so delicious. Please let me know if you find anymore recipes. My Italian Parsley survived the winter as well.

  5. I hate when that happens – going to all of the work for “OK, not Great”. Bummer! Just that number of steps would have deterred me! 🙂 Not that you asked, but I thought these parsley recipes looked yummy… I was wishing you could make them and I could taste a bite! 🙂

    Enjoy! And, good luck using up all of those greens!

  6. Wow…that’s a lot of work for one meal! I’m glad you were able to use your parsley, but I agree with you that the process seemed really labor and time-intensive! The pictures were a great addition to your post, but they look so good, I almost wish you’d left them out! 😉 I wish I was there to eat it with you because my stomach is growling at me now!

  7. aruddteacher100 says:

    Yes, I was thinking the whole time they sounded like they would be yummy-and then didn’t turn out as expected…sometimes things don’t turn out as we expect, and so our quest for best continues…

  8. I love this post Elsie! I really enjoy cooking and love to try new recipies but I struggle to have enough time during the week. The weekend is reserved for this sort of activity. I enjoyed the way you gave the play by play and captured each stage in a photo. I felt like I was standing in the kitchen with you! I’m sorry they weren’t amazing after your efforts, but it sounds like it was a good dinner anyway. Can’t be unhappy with that, right? Enjoy your parsley!

  9. I love the two pictures at the bottom comparing. Made me giggle. The description of your cooking process sounded so “romantic” that I couldn’t help but have some desire to want to try this even though it was so much work (and even though I know I never will try it – still the want was there). The ending just brought be back to reality. 😉 Thank you for that!

  10. I must admit I was hoping that they were to die for, because the steps looked mouth watering!! I love parsley (well, anything green really…”weird-o” so I am told) and the thought of parsley ravioli, OH Yeah! But, labor has to equal amazing. Your photos are awesome! I put a “ton” of parsley in my spaghetti sauce (my husband actually makes it, but we will call it mine).

  11. WHOA! I’m in awe of the time, effort, and creativity you put into this meal! Cooking is just a chore for me and I admire people who actually enjoy it. The pictures looked delicious, and I can’t believe how well yours matched the recipe picture! (Will you come to Ohio to cook dinner for me? hehe)

  12. margaretsmn says:

    I love the picture story structure. I couldn’t wait to find out how it ended. How many times have I tried a new recipe and found it was just not worth the trouble? Enjoy the process, they say…

  13. What an endeavor! Good for you for staying the course. I think your pictures are nearly identical – what you made, and what the cookbook showed. I enjoyed this read!

  14. Lynn says:

    Oh thank you, you gave me the first laugh of the day! The pictures were great (don’t you just love your salad spinner!) that went along with your story. YIKES! It did seem like a lot of work but good for you for trying!

  15. I love how you wrote all of that and included the pictures too. I’m jealous of your nice garden. I think your picture looks great, but I understand how you probably won’t be making them again.

  16. Elsie,
    Your slice makes me smile. I think it’s your commentary that gets me — the taking off the top of your head and sharing your thinking. I almost want to try to make them. Almost…when, you know, I don’t have to make dinner in 20 minutes. 😉
    Happy cooking,

  17. They certainly look wonderful, Elsie. Always good to try something new, but I can see it did take lots of time. Guess you’ll be on the hunt for recipes with parsley now. I use it on chicken, in meatloaf, with garlic when I toast sourdough bread, but still that doesn’t take a lot. Thanks for the terrific photos.

  18. Terje says:

    All of this reminds me how my sister and I take upon a project form a cook book or a magazine and never know how the food turns out. Then again without trying we might miss some great food.
    I like how besides trying a new recipe you had your camera and notepad next to you. I would say that your ravioli looks pretty similar to the original.

  19. Oh, my lord. Lunch is about two hours away and I want to reach into the screen for a helping of your ravioli. What a wonderful (and delicious!) labor of love!

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