Kinderdijk, Antwerp, Brussels

Be sure to visit Two Writing Teachers for more slices of life.

Be sure to visit Two Writing Teachers for more slices of life.

Through the night, the boat glides along. In the morning we are anchored in Kinderdijk, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Here is the greatest concentration of working windmills in the country. These windmills date back to 1740. Families still live in many of the windmills.

We were able to go into one. I can’t imagine living in it. Ladders, not stairs, brings you up and down. The space is very cramped. No thank you to living in and maintaining a windmill. However, they are awesome to see.


The water was a perfect canvas for reflections.

Another night of sailing on the river and/or canals brought us into Belgium. It was a rainy morning as we began our walking tour of Antwerp. First stop brought us to Het Steen, Antwerp’s oldest building. It looks like a castle, but it was never used as a castle. Currently it is used as museum for shipping. At the entrance is a statue of a giant, Lange Wapper, who terrorized the citizens of Antwerp. Statues of the Virgin Mary look down at you from various corners. Apparently there was less tax if you included this on your home. The rain quit by the time we had finished our walking tour.

Sights from Antwerp, Belgium.

Sights from Antwerp, Belgium.

After a quick lunch, we were on the bus headed for Brussels. It was an hour to rest up for the next walking tour. Most of the walking is done on uneven cobblestones. It makes one appreciate smooth sidewalks at home.

The first stop was to snap a picture of the Atomium. This strange structure was build in 1958, created for the Expo ’58. Unfortunately, we were not able to go inside to explore. Perhaps one day I will make it back and check out the inside spheres. We then made our way to the Grand Place, a square surrounded by the town hall and guild houses. The guide took us to see Manneken Pis, one of Brussels most famosus sights. Then we were free to wander the streets for over an hour. The waffles were tempting, but we resisted. The chocolate shops were also enticing, but all we did was inhale the fumes of fine Belgian chocolates before we boarded the bus to return to our boat.

Sights from Brussels.

Sights from Brussels.

It had been a long day with miles of walking on cobblestones. Next up Bruges, Belgium.

23 thoughts on “Kinderdijk, Antwerp, Brussels

  1. Loved joining you for this long day of walking. I wouldn’t have had your self-control though,I would definitely have stopped for chocolate

  2. I always learn so much from your travel slices, Elsie! I had no idea that families lived in the windmills. When I was a little girl, I dreamed of living in a lighthouse; so I imagine that would be similar as far as space goes. The pictures were breathtaking.

  3. Ahhh, Elsie, it has been a good 15 or more years since my feet walked these cobblestone pathways. The Flemish architectural style is interesting, isn’t it? That style can also be seen in the north of France where my husband was born, an hour or so from there (Arras). There is the Grand Place with the Mairie and the belfry and all around the Flemish style… Just grand! Personally, I think you were right to skip the chocolates in Brussels because, as you know, there is a chocolatier on every corner and then some in Bruges. Did you try the waterzooi or the moules frites avec une bière belge? Donc, Amsterdam, Antwerpen, Bruges et la vierge noire, et après?

  4. rosecappelli says:

    So much fun to be taking this journey with you! I simply can’t imagine living in a windmill. I didn’t even know that was possible! Thanks for sharing all this wonderful information.

  5. How cool! I’m headed to Antwerp and Brussels at the end of June to visit a friend. I’m excited! I know what you mean about the cobblestones streets…I have to look down or I’ll trip! 🙂

  6. I can’t imagine living in one of those windmill’s. Boy, people must have been VERY FIT. Thanks for sharing these outstanding photos and travel explanations because I probably won’t be getting to that part of the world any time soon and Bruge is definitely on the list.

  7. Sounds like a marvelous day, again, Elsie. I am always intrigued by the way others live, like those windmill folks. It’s sort of like living in a lighthouse, right? Thanks for sharing so much, detail & pics. Love it!

  8. I think I will have to check your other posts as this is the first time I have taken part in the Tuesday Slice for some time. I love the river cruises. Looks like you are on one that takes you to different places than the one we took. I will have to read your other posts and we just might take this one. If you have another chance….try those thin waffles…buy one and share it at least. They are really yummy.

  9. Love, love, love those reflections in the windmill pictures. Living in a windmill sounds like living in a lighthouse; you have to really want to do it! I would not have passed on the waffles and chocolate (which is why I can’t lose weight). I winced when I read your comment about walking on cobblestones all day. We had that experience in Berlin this past Christmas; our feet were sore by the end of each day. Ouch!

  10. I love Mandy’s idea of creating a digital scrapbook of these travels, Elsie – you do such a great job of bringing the sights and sounds and tastes to each step of your journey.

  11. You missed out by not sampling the waffles and the chocolate. Mmmm…yummy! Did you try any of the waffle like cookies with syrup in the middle? Also yummy! I enjoyed eating my way through Brussels. Your pictures reminded me of how charming it is!

  12. While this is a memory for you, this piece is informational for me. I learned so much and I like how you placed the photographs after the information so I had to read first, gather my own images and then see yours. I hope you are putting all of this into a book, scrapbook, travel journal of sorts.

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