Connecting Threads

Sometimes, when you least expect it, a connection pops up in your life. Those moments blow my mind with the connections that lay under the surface of living. Here’s what I’m talking about . . .

Our neighbor from across the street, Blake, comes over and says, “Did you see the ambulance and firetruck last night about 2 a.m.?” What!? How did we miss this? Through the process of elimination, we figured the rescue vehicles must have been at a young couple’s house. This couple does not socialize in the street with the rest of us. However, we did know the lady was pregnant. The cloud of mystery hung over that house as we went about our daily lives.

Later, my husband began talking to an older couple who were out for a walk. Yes, the emergency vehicles were at the house in question. The baby had been delivered earlier in the week and they were the parents of the mother. The new mother had stopped breathing, which was the cause for the first responders. She was fine now.

The man was wearing a T-shirt that said Sedonna. My husband commented that was a very nice place. The man agreed, then proceeded to tell my husband that his sister used to live there, but she recently sold everything and moved to Ecuador. He was not happy about that move.

Ding, ding, bells went off in my husband’s head because I have a friend, Janet, who just went to Ecuador with her sister, Cathy, this summer to visit her best friend from high school. This best friend moved from Sedonna. “Does your sister have a best friend named Janet who visited her this summer?” inquired my husband. A look of surprise washed over his face. “Why, yes!” Now that makes you think small world, right? There’s more.

Through further conversation, my husband discovered this man knew my father and another family friend.

It’s amazing how the threads of lives connect and intersect. Sometimes all it takes is a little casual conversation to discover the links.