Manhole Covers

If you do any walking, you have passed many manhole covers, but did you ever stop to notice them? I have to admit, they were not really on my radar until the day one stopped me in my tracks. There was a message on it that informed me the drain below led to the ocean which was many miles from my location. That cover began my interest in manhole covers.

When we traveled in Europe, I always marveled at the art of their covers. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to locate any of the photos of those artistic covers. (Sorry 😦 )

As I walked the streets of my neighborhood I found several varieties of common covers. My neighborhood was developed over time, so I thought it was interesting that the developer changed the style of the covers in each area.

Imagine my surprise when I came upon these covers:

Upstream starts here? Really?! My neighborhood is nowhere close to a river! I can’t even imagine the mysteries that lie below my feet and how water travels. I am thankful that someone figured it out so we can protect our waterways.

Have you ever noticed a message on a manhole cover?

8 thoughts on “Manhole Covers

  1. Yago is very suspicious of manholes and drainage covers. I have a feeling the manhole covers in your area are much more interesting than those in my neighborhood, but most of ours are in spots too dangerous to check out with a leashed Yago in hand! Very cool that some say their drainage destination!

  2. Joyce says:

    I think the covers are interesting and have seen articles about art work being incorporated into the covers. I need to check out the ones close by.

  3. Terje says:

    You never seize to surprise with your topics. The covers in Estonia don’t carry messages. Neither do our cars’ licence plates.

  4. I’d have never thought of this as a “fancy” topic – what a lesson in keeping yourself open for such connections! Living the writerly life for sure. Now I am racking my brain for any messages I may have seen on manhole covers…this may send me on a hunt. These are so interesting, Elsie!

  5. I do have to open my eyes more…thanks to you and your extraordinary abilities I notice more. Dave and I just got a new car…it feels so fancy, that I’m too scared to drive it. XO

    • What kind of car? I have a Subaru Forester that has all the safety options available. Don’t fear the car, it will keep you safe so we can meet up again one day. 🙂

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