
Trepidation is defined as a feeling of fear about something that is about to happen, apprehension. This word perfectly describes me when I think about tomorrow. Wednesday, I will be working with teachers and the topic is writing. That should not be a problem. I have been doing PD in schools for the last four years. Presenting is not causing my trepidation.

Trepidation arises because this PD is to be delivered during the teachers’ planning period. First of all, using a plan period does not make teachers happy. Trepidation sets in because I am to deliver information on teaching writing in about forty-five minutes. Really? What can I do to make a difference in that amount of time? I think this will only frustrate the teachers. Trepidation takes over since I don’t know anything about how they teach writing. All I know is “we need help in writing instruction.”

Thursday and Friday will be spent modeling writing lessons in every classroom. Hopefully, I have selected lessons that will demonstrate something useful. My motto is “I am teaching the writer, not the writing.”

At the end of the month I will be back to model lessons once again, and a follow-up with the teachers on their planning period. My final work in this building will be an all day PD with the staff a week after my second round of modeling. I hope this is not a recipe for disaster. I hope this will whet the teachers’ appetite for more information.

Think of me tomorrow. I will let you know what happens.