A Sweet Word

The end of the year loomed, bloggers began writing about their one little word, but I remained wordless.

The new year dawned, more bloggers revealed the journey and discovery of their one little word, but I remained wordless.

Wherever there was print, I skimmed the words, looking for the one to jump out and say, “I’m your word!” None did, so I remained wordless.

As I drove, alone in the car, my mind sifted through many choices, however, none felt right. I began to think that perhaps I won’t have a word, this year.

Last week each member of the TWT team revealed their word and the story of how it came to be. I read one comment by Tara that she was worried, no word yet and a post was due on Thursday. I understood her angst, I remained wordless.

Saturday I was reading celebrations on blogs and Terje told of her aha moment in finding the word that was right for her. There it was, a word I wanted to hold onto for this year: sweet.

To all those who know me, stop laughing. I don’t want the saccharine, sugary-ness of sweet, but more the pleasing in general, delightful aspect of the word. A few synonyms for my thinking are: pleasant, pleasurable, agreeable, gratifying, and fine.

The voice of my niece echoed in my mind “Shweet!”  was the word she used whenever something pleased her. I thought about how this word fit into my life. It fit.

Hmm, I wondered, has this word found its way into any quotes? A quick google search and moments later I found a few quotes that have the essence of my word.

“I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life while are the real ones after all.” Laura Ingalls Wilder (I have learned this is true.)

“Friendship is always a sweet responsibility never an opportunity.” Kahlil Gibran

“Change in all things is sweet.” Aristotle

“What was hard to endure is sweet to recall.” French proverb

Finally: “Mirth is the sweet wine of human life. It should be offered sparkling with zestful life unto God.” Henry Ward Beecher

I found my word, I will hold these thoughts close as I find the sweetness life has to offer this year.

18 thoughts on “A Sweet Word

  1. Judy C. says:

    Great word for the year. There are so many sweet things in our lives and I’m sure you will enjoy them even more now that you have your OLW. Have a sweet day!

  2. I love to hear the stories of how people stumble onto their OLW. I think sweet will be an excellent choice for you! Imagine all the wonderful places it could take you this year!

  3. Hurrah, hurrah! And whew! I love the mix of quotes you chose to illustrate all the varied meanings of your word, Elsie. How different is he sweetness in Gibran’s quote from that of the French proverb!

  4. I wrote about my struggle with my OLW search too, as you already know. I was waiting for a word to just jump out, but through all the reading and pondering, I figured it out too. I love this word for the year. May the year bring you all the sweet you can handle! 🙂

  5. Two years and finishing strong... says:

    I love your word…thanks for all the swheeet quotes. The one that I want is…
    Change in all things is sweet.” Aristotle xo PS I’m thinking I’m using it in an inservice on Friday.

  6. Strange how the words find us. And they truly have to be personal and make sense in the context of one’s life. You have a lovely word. I find that “sweet” is huggable. I like that you included the quotes. The one about change surprised me.

  7. Congratulations, Elsie! I have been looking, too. My oldest son Eric asked me where it was–I was shocked. I didn’t know he was that into my posts. I know he encourages me and challenges me to write–“When is there going to be a new post, Mom?” I started a page in my new WN with a list. I think I found it, but will wait until this Friday to write about it on Ruth’s “One Word.” I want to make sure nothing else pops at me. I knew the concept I wanted. I love the idea of looking for quotes to encourage the word. I will do that, too. Thanks, Elsie, and thanks for your encouragement. You usually do inspire me. I will try to write/post more. Sometimes I get into my private mode. Ah, a poem coming on?

  8. Ramona says:

    What a perfect word! I look back on our time together at All Write as a sweet memory. I like the Aristotle quote – “Change in all things is sweet.” You’ll have a sweet 2014 with this word by your side.

  9. Great news, Elsie, that you found a word to hold onto this year. I like the Gibran quote especially, about friends. I hope you find much from the ‘sugar bowl of life’. Sounds lovely to me!

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